It's funny when your lover or significant other wants to tell you something knowing your response will not be a favorable one. They will just drop it into the conversation so quickly you might miss it if you are not careful. Last night after returning from my long weekend in Memphis were I was a bridesmaid for one of my best friends in the world, Joe and I were cooking dinner in the kitchen. Preparing the chicken and pasta mixture, hubby drops it that the trip to New York we have been talking about for over a year has now turned into a men's only trip. While speaking with his father about seeing the New York Yankees play the Detroit Tigers in July and recruiting a group to go, I guess he forgot to mention that his wife had been in on this plan also. I have been trying to get to New York for the last year in order to see Wicked on Broadway. I have too. I love, love, love the book and have heard the musical is a must-see! He waits until I am dropping the pasta into the boiling water to tell me this. Argh! I could just run away and not look back. Men and their "Men's Only" stuff. I think the reason women started their nights out was because of the men always just hanging with "The Boys." Why do you think golf was invented? For men to get away from their wives?
I should have known this would happen. With it being the Age of Aquarius and more and more men and women are taking "Guys Only" trips or "Girls Only" trips, why should I think that a woman could be invited along with a bunch of men? If you have known me as long as my hubby has, you would know I could care less how drunk men get when they decide to "Party." For the last ten years I have travelled the country following Phish and watching men and women plaster their minds with booze and drugs. You can do what you want to do. I could care less that if you don't care about your health, you have no one to blame but yourself when it comes down to it. I'm not your mother. So to be told I can't go on a "Guys Trip" because I may become all "girly" on them as they drink their brains away, I am angered. Very, very angered.
When did social parties and trips become all one gendered? Are men so scared that women will hone on their drunken doozies and stripper club trips, we are no longer allowed to travel with them? How many nights a week or month do men need to hang with just guys? What do you think would happen if the women of the world just walked away one night when the men were out on one of their "Guys Nights?" No dinners on the table at night, no clean toilet seats, no back scratches or back rubs, no sex?
How often does your guy do the "Guys Night Out" or "Guys Only Trips?" Why can't we all just get along?
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