Thursday, October 22, 2009

Child Too Small For Health Insurance: What Next? You're Too Tall, Too Short, Too Skinny, Too Fat?

As a mother of an eight year who often gets confused as a kindergartner, reading the news released today of a two year old insurance has denied to cover because she is too small is rather frightening.

Wednesday morning "The Today Show" covered the story of 2-year-old Aislin Bates. With a weight of 22 pounds and in the 3rd percentile of children her age, United Health Care has decided to deny this child insurance. They claim she doesn't meet height and weight requirements of others her age. Her doctor has described her as perfectly healthy; never having been sick with anything more than a cold. [via Yahoo News]

NBC's medical expert Dr. Nancy Snyderman was more pointed in her criticism: “This is just so bogus. A pre-existing condition for a child this age is birth, let’s be real..... This is why things have to change."

Just last month my daughter and I went for her yearly well check up and learned she is in the 5th percentile of her age group. She's always been small and our doctor's have said this is due to us, her parents, being small also. Could she be denied on our next re-up with these companies (and that's what they are: for profit companies)? Will her premium be raised due to this newest addition to what is thought of as a pre-existing condition?

This is enough of health care and their bogus claims of pre-existing conditions. This is the way they get around having to pay for much at all. They can charge astronomical amounts of money a month for coverage and when it's time for them to pay the bill for coverage of routine check ups and doctor's visits because of a colds, they wimp out. In turn, you are denied because of some new addendum to their insurance policy handbook.

So many people are against a universal health care system but the need for legitimate reasons behind the denying of coverage needs to be addressed.

I would love to hear some feedback from those in the insurance industry. Why are these reasons the way they are and do they change on a case by case basis or does it just seem this way?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Amy Winehouse's Present As Single Amy: New Boobs!

After breaking up with the one you believed you would love for the rest of your life is a difficult spot to be in.

For Amy Winehouse, who after being forced to divorce her junkie, ex-husband Blake Fielder, she suffered like many put in a tough spot--though probably more taking into account her addiction to heroin that came to light while being married to this wonderful man. After spending months in St. Lucia while trying to breaking free from her old partying ways, she has reawakened again in a hospital room but this time instead of waking from her normal heroin induced comas, she is coming to light with a new bustier chest.

One patient told The Sun: "She was wandering around in a daze, humming under her breath. She had tubes hanging out of her bust so I asked what she'd had done.
"She started rambling and said, 'I've had a boob job. I 'ad 'em done for Strictly. I wanted to look my best and I'm sick of stuffing hankies down my bra'. [via The Sun]

While participating in her married lifestyle of crack and heroin binges, the once voluptuous Back to Black singer was left with an emaciated and skeletal frame.

Her father has said, "As far as we were concerned, she wasn't an offender... she was someone who was sick and who has not been sick now for a year."

"(She's) fantastic. Her boobs are great as well! She looks absolutely fantastic. I didn't have to pay for it (boob job), that's all I know. I didn't have to pay for the boobs. There is no total recovery, it's a recovery and if you look back to where we were a year ago, we are on a different planet. We are in a different space and a different time and (Amy is) a different person." [via UK News Yahoo]

In terms of breaking up, what's the craziest present you have given yourself?

Blondes Don't Have More Fun Looking Like This: Lindsay Lohan's Cry For Hair Help

For years and years, I was a bleach blonde babe. I loved it; it was the signature statement of who I was and who I wanted to be. I always "knew" blondes had more fun and I wanted to experience all the excitement I could handle. The more and more I began looking at pictures taken of me in certain social situations, the vision of who I was and wanted to be begin to change. With the super blonde hair my features where being washed out; I looked pale and plain. When did being a blonde become plain I asked myself? For me this was my cry for help in terms of hair intervention.

Lindsay Lohan helps show how bleach blond hair can wash you out and really begin to show your age. Remember when she was the cute redhead? With a true defining color in her hair, she could play up her features the way nature intended. With blonde at her roots, the eye shadow becomes harsh and the lip color becomes blah. Instead of Wow, she becomes wow...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How long would you wait for marriage?

I was one of those girls who never wanted to get married. Growing up in a household where men came and went and so did husbands, I wanted to pursue other interests in my life other than having a ring on my finger. Not that I don't love the looks of men, I do. I'm not a man basher, just not that interested in having their presence the most important thing to me.

Lo and behold, I was married before I thought I would be. At the age of twenty one, I walked down the aisle to marry my man and eight years later, we are still going strong. Luckily for me, I met and married a man who didn't make me feel that if I wanted to stick my head in a eight hundred page novel and get lost for days at a time, he would leave. He's rather a nice, caring and thoughtful man with interests other than me at all times.

Over the weekend, we attended a wedding of a couple whom we have known for quite awhile. The ceremony was beautiful along the banks of the beautiful Rappahannock River in Virginia. Other than the north wind that decided to pick up and freeze many home to an early bed, it was perfect. As I watched the bride make her way down the aisle, a tear was brought to my eyes. It's so amazing to watch two people take vows to one another. Watching the man is also the best part of the ceremony.

I've known couples that have been together as long as I've been married that are still uncommitted in the sense of wedding rings and bridal registries. The vows of marriage do not mean much to them. Their commitment to one another is strong without these testaments. It makes me wonder how long many will go in a relationship before marriage is thought of?

How long would you wait for marriage? Is it not important to make vows in front of family and friends for your relationship?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Miley Cyrus Quits Twitter For Her Man?

Miley Cryus, Disney's child prodigy, has deleted her Twitter account because her boyfriend disapproves of her tweets.

"FYI Liam doesn't have a Twitter and he wants me to delete mine with good reason," she Twittered in one of her final posts. [UsMagazine]

With more than 1.1 million followers , fans aren't happy with her decision and have already begun pleading for her to return. In fact, "#mileycomeback" is the top trending topic on Twitter.

Would you consider deleting your Twitter, Facebook, or MySpace account for your man. I don't think so....