What would you do if you were forced with dealing with a diagnosis your child has cancer? This is one item that parenting classes may never be able to help you with. You have a baby and they are supposed to be healthy and live longer than you, but this is not always the case.
In Sleepy Eye, Minnesota a family of ten who claim Catholicism and adherence to the Nemenhah Band religion refuse to allow their 13 year old son to get the medical treatment necessary to shrink the tumor in the boy's body. He was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma in Feburary and after one chemotherapy treatment stopped going. The are seeking alternative treatments such as herbal remedies.
According to court documents the boy suffers from a learning disabilty and is unable to read.
Child services accused Daniel's parents of medical neglect; but in court, his mother insisted the boy wouldn't submit to chemotherapy for religious reasons. She vowed she wouldn't comply if the court orders it.
Today in Minneapolis, Minnesota Brown County District Judge John Rodenberg ruled Daniel Hauser has been "medically neglected."Judge John Rodenberg also wrote: Daniel has only a "rudimentary understanding at best of the risks and benefits of chemotherapy. ... he does not believe he is ill currently. The fact is that he is very ill currently."
The Hauser's belief in The Nemenhah Band seems to be a reason behind stopping routine treatments in the case of cancers. The Nemenhah Band was founded in the 1990s by Philip Cloudpiler Landis, who said Thursday he once served four months in prison in Idaho for fraud related to advocating natural remedies.
If the Hauser's beliefs in The Nemenhah Band are so great and the use of western medicine is a no-no, why was is used once?
Would you base your religious beliefs on a fraudulent leader and adhere to these beliefs when your child's life is on the line?
Are Catholics against the use of western medicine when it comes to routine treatments used in the treatment of chemotherapy?
Do you think the government has no place in the decisions of this family matter?
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