Drew Peterson, the Bolingbrook, Illinois police sergeant who has been suspected of killing his third and fourth wives, Kathleen Savio and Stacy Peterson, has been arrested in the case surrounding his third wife's death. Kathleen Savio was found dead in a dry bathtub just before all of the marital assets were finalized in their divorce. At first the thought was an accidental drowning. Seems a little odd she drowned in a dry tub? This was the theory and Peterson was let off until his fourth wife came up missing. I'm sure his being a police sergeant in the police department in Bolingbrook didn't have pull on letting him of the hook so easy, do you?
With the investigation into Stacy Peterson's disappearance on October 28th, 2007 renewed interest in Savio's death. Authorities then exhumed the body and her death was ruled "homicide staged to look like an accident."
All the while Drew Peterson has been suspected in the disappearance of his fourth wife, Stacy Peterson, and the murder of his third wife, Savio, a 24 year old mother of two, Christina Raines, has been living under the same roof as a suspected "madman." In February, the two made and appearance on NBC's Today Show. When asked by Amy Robach why she is with him she responded with "I love him, he makes me laugh," and claims to have no concern for her safety.
Why in the world does a woman put her life and the lives of her children in a home with a man suspected of murdering two of the women he married and pledged to love and cherish until death do them part? Well, I guess Mr. Peterson was tired of loving these women and helped death find his mates a little quicker than letting nature take its course. Christina Raines is lucky she made it this far alive. Sometimes I think the state should take a more active role in the lives of children where the mother seems to have a death wish for herself. She knew Drew Peterson had a history of abuse. She knew he was suspected of killing his last two wives and she purposely put her life and her children's lives in the path of a oncoming truck. She should be ashamed of herself.
Why do women do this? If you can't do a healthy relationship for you, do it for the kids. Tell the truth, would you move your children into a home with a suspected murderer?
NO! but I am 47 & know better. I can't even think of someone my age NOT knowing better. That's why he always, & his history shows, he always picks on very young women. From what I've seen on TV, his personality is so silly & really stupid, that I can't see why ANYONE would want to date him. I'm soooo happy they finally locked him up & got his kids out from under his lying a**. Christina is very lucky she had a Dad that watched out for her no matter what it took. He "sorta" befriended Drew "just to keep a close watch on her". THAT'S a smart man... Had he not been locked up, he would have gotten back to his abusive ways.
ReplyDeleteIn relationships, you get what you met. You can't change a person & if they control you, they will do that in any way they can. They will start out doing it verbally & not allowing you to do things (at first you think that's cute because they "can't stand to be without you") you then realize they have you under their control & the more you try to break out, the harder they come down on you. They will verbally attack you, they will hit you & then they WILL kill you.... Learn early in life, FOLLOW YOUR HEAD NOT YOUR HEART!