It seems more and more nowadays, cigarette smoking is going by the wayside. It kills you, makes your teeth stain, your clothes stink and gives nonsmokers the ability to give the "eat crap and die look," faster than taking a shooter at a nightclub. If the hike in price of the packs of twenty, thin, tobacco filled sticks doesn't get you, cancer will.
Growing up as a child, I remember everyone smoking. They smoked at work, in the car, at parties, in the bathroom... the list goes on and on. Children could even be sent down the road to pick up a pack of cigarettes for their parents. Choosing to smoke was the rite of passage from childhood to adulthood. Or so it seemed...
In college, smoking was still seen as something cool to do. I can warrant even today in high school's across the country, a pack of girls and guys are lighting up to make their image more appealing. In college though, smoking pot was the "cooler" to do than smoke cigarettes. Groups of kids I knew only smoked pot and left the cigarettes alone. Cigarettes were become less popular too be seen toting around in your pocket or handbag. Rolling papers and crumpled sandwich bags of weed were the newest label for "coolness."
With society's push, along with the federal government and insurance companies help, smoking has become expensive and repulsive. Pot on the other hand has been given a new look through government and the older generation. We now no longer believe pot is as harmful as once believed and many question whether or not it is as harmful as tobacco. State after state have begun putting on their voting ballots legalization in some form or another of this plant. It's as if we are all wondering when it will be legal not if it will become legal.
Will pot be more acceptable than cigarettes? Will we rather our children smoke marijuana than tobacco at some point?
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