When I was in the dating era of my life, I hooked up with guys that were younger than me. Age was never a deal breaker.
My best friend however, throughout high school loved to date older guys. It was something she was in to. I, on the other hand was in to dating whoever was hot. It didn't matter if they were younger or older; if they were good looking and had something intelligent to say, it was on.
Selena Gomez and Justin Beiber are reported to be dating and to signify his emotions towards her, Justin even gave her a diamond bracelet for Christmas. [Hollywoodlife.com] On many of the sites that are reporting their affair, in the comment section people are dogging her out for dating a younger guy. Granted she is 18 and he is only 16, I think they are cute together. As she receives death threats from outrageously ridiculous fans with "Beiber Fever," I ponder this hate she is receiving because she is older than him.
What's wrong with dating a younger guy? He is a successful cutie and so is she.
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