If you have one, you know they think they know everything. The attitude of "all knowledge" begins abruptly. So quickly in fact, you don't realize it has struck. But then the eye rolls start and the "What the heck?" questions begin, soon to be followed by doors slammed in disgust. All the while, you as a parent ask yourself, "Where did my sweet child go?"
They may think they know everything but you know they don't. Isn't it funny how quickly you think you know how the world works and at some point later after your world has been turned upside down multiple times throughout the college years and then into your mid to late twenties, you thank God you don't know everything?
The other night, my daughter was having a friend spend the night. As I passed the room the girls where gossiping in, I noticed they were passing lip gloss to each other. I stopped in my tracks. They have no idea this is a way herpes can be passed, I thought. No idea that a simple sharing of a tube of lip gloss can change their lives forever. Instead of these beautiful lips they want to share with the world, sores and blisters could rear their ugly head and they will be crying in their beds. Forever they will have to worry about break outs happening at the most inopportune time. As a parent, I had to tell them something they didn't know and I wondered how I would be received.
When I mentioned this news to them, they looked in horror at me and then to each other. This was a great time to explain to them how sharing, though nice, can have consequences. After our discussion they both thanked me.
Sometimes things you don't know will hurt you. I'm pretty sure, they will remember not to share lip gloss and lipstick with others . Its kind of nice to know more than my preteen even though she still thinks I'm an idiot.
There will come a time...
Haha I like this