Electric toothbrush prices have always been out of my reach. With three kids, a husband, a dog, two cats, a hamster and fish who keep reproducing, my budget hasn't allowed me to purchase an electric toothbrush. With prices that reach from $15 (Crest's Spinbrush) up into the hundred range (Philips' Sonicare), my teeth have only been met with the tried and true manual toothbrush usually bought in the family pack.
Colgate has a new Electric Toothbrush in cool colors like green, blue and pink with a price under $6! ActiFlex SonicPower is the first powered toothbrush with a flexible bridge. It glides along your teeth, cleaning away debris leaving your teeth feel smooth and your breath fresh!
When I received this toothbrush, I was excited! Like I said before, my budget hasn't allowed me to purchase an electric toothbrush. I ripped open the package and went right away to scrubbing. My husband saw what I was using and he was excited too. He said, "I'm stealing that!" Not a chance mister.
Colgate has made it's competitors a little nervous with this invention. I'm happy they have! I can afford the benefits allowed only to those who use an electric toothbrush. Regular toothbrushes only remove the food and plaque from the surface of the teeth and gums. An electric toothbrush can penetrate more of the teeth and gums resulting in better plaque removal. [articlebase]
Happy Brushing and Happy Holidays!!!
I use the Oral B Pulsar, don't forget to floss!