More and more we hear to stay out of the sun. Lather your skin in 75 SPF sunblock to avoid aging your skin prematurely. The sun causes skin cancer!! Oh and please don't go near your dermatologist if you have spent a second tanning while on vacation. Okay, Okay... we hear you! Want to add some pizazz to your everyday wear? It's called a parasol and it's the sexiest item a woman can own.
A couple of years ago, while I was still in high school, I became obsessed on finding a fabric parasol. You'll find the paper parasols all of the time but as usual I wanted to be different. I had to find one no one would have. For a year I searched high and low to find the one I wanted. One day while browsing the antique store I seemed to live in, there she was!!! A beautiful, cream and lace parasol. I didn't care the cost. She had finally found her way to me. Luckily the tag was only $20 - a steal if you ask me.
My beautiful, cream and lace parasol has been on many outings with me. She has been on Phish tour, my husband's baseball games and at the lake. Whenever I feel the sun is trying to hard to burn my skin, she comes out to visit. Though not nearly as attractive as she once was, she still holds a very special spot in my heart and in my car for her sun protection.
You need a parasol for sun protection, heat protection and because you deserved to look cute and classy! It's time for you to buy.
(Oh, the girl in the pic is not me but this is a spiting image of my parasol.)
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