While collecting this child support, Laffoon wishes Heche would come and watch him coach for a soccer team. She believes this is what a "lazy a#*" would do. Maybe he is trying to become more of a part of his son's life?
For the last couple of days, summer has reared her ugliest head. The sticky, hot feeling that humid air leaves on your skin makes it nearly impossible to smell lovely for more than a mere moment. It seems as soon as you exit the shower, you are met with a thick haze hovering in the air. A clean body helps for a moment, but the moisture in the air turns it sour quicker than Paris Hilton can adopt another animal. Body odor seems to pick up quite a bit in the summer months and it's not coming up roses.
My college roommate from years ago came and visited my family over the weekend. We decided to brave the weather and headed to the local theme park. With temperatures hitting one-hundred degrees, enjoying outside has its limits. All the while enjoying the park, we drank water to hydrate and wore light clothing and flip flops to help not overheat the body. It was still quite warm. Waiting in line at rides while confined into tight spots with masses of sweating, dripping people can turn smelly quickly. What can be done about this smelly problem? Preparedness it the number one answer.
Body odor does not smell good. It doesn't. Body odor is like trash that you empty into a trash can to be taken away. If you personally do not help control the smell, no one will.