I find it amusing that tabloid press continually insists Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie fight constantly, are on the verge of breaking up daily and that she feels Brad "isn't pulling his weight." From one day to the next, an unnamed source states something detrimental in their relationship is occurring.
Surviving a relationship where children are involved can get heated at times. What married couple with children hasn't fought over thinking the other isn't pulling the correct weight in the relationship?
In the latest report out about the couple of six children states that Angelina is so upset at Brad that she yells at him because his eggs are lousy. She feels she's shouldering the parental burden and Brad can't do anything right.
How many nights have I come home, exhausted and weary from work, wishing a hot meal was awaiting my arrival only to have my hopes dashed with questions of, "What's for dinner?"All the while the dishwasher is still loaded from the night before and laundry piles at the door. How many mornings has my husband wanted a little more shut eye, when I state "Your morning!" I know it's my morning but the dishwasher not being unloaded questions the equilibrium of whose turn it is.
I have three kids and there are times when I ask myself, "What was I thinking?" Even with nannies that help with the Jolie/Pitt clan, I'm sure all of the attention six children demand comes with a breaking point. Patience is defiantly a virtue and three children ranging in ages of 11 to 5, I am still learning.
Just today after a long day at work, kicking of my heels and collapsing on to the bed was something I want but my little bit is off with her normal daily greetings of "Watch Me!! Watch Me!! I want to play a game!! I'm thirsty!!" All the while jumping up and down she happily greets me. Middle babe files in rambling on and on about something that I will never fully understand and then oldie flaunts in throwing around her long hair, smacking gum wanting to use my phone so she can text our neighbor.
I hear movement on the steps; he is here to save me for a moment. In the game of married with children, it's a give and take. Some days, we take more than others but then some days, we give way more than we ever thought possible. It's balance.
For the children's sake and for the sake of the hearts of Brad and Angelina, we should all hope they work it out.
When was having a family ever easy?
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