Friday, January 29, 2010

Taylor Momsen Smoking At 16, Could've Guessed That!

I could have predicted this months ago when I questioned what Taylor Momsen was wearing to her sweet sixteenth birthday. Dressed like a woman ready to take to a pole, where was her mother? Someone should have helped her find her shirt and her skirt!

As the idiom "Where there's smoke, usually there's fire" states, if something seems off ---it probably is.

Now caught smoking a cigarette underage, Taylor Momsen, actress in the poplar CW series, Gossip Girl, bats another smug grin into the lens of a camera.

Recently she responded on her feelings about being a role model to younger children, "To be honest, I don't f-ng care. I didn't get into this to be a role model. So I'm sorry if I'm influencing your kids in a way that you don't like, but I can't be held responsible for their actions. I don't care." [info]

If you think sixteen years old girls should be sweet and innocent, Taylor Momsen never asked for your opinion. She announced on her risque dress, "I like wearing garters. Apparently people think that's a big deal, but my tights won't stay up."

One to take notice to blogs in cyberworld, she laughs at the words many mothers express on her dressing habits. "My favorite blogs are where you get the mothers saying "She's the worst influence on my daughter, I would never let my daughter dress like that..."[]

Taylor Momsen is on her way to the top or all the way at the bottom. There really is no way around it. Children brought up in the lifestyle of making movies and playing life instead of learning about movies and life, wind up living a drunk, incoherent existence until one day, and we hope they all do, hit rock bottom and find their way back up.

Momsen has spoken about her mother, "I mean, I'm sixteen and I can't get away with anything. My mother finds out everything." You get away with wearing see through pink nighties to your sixteenth birthday and smoking cigarettes?
It makes me question your mother's parenting style.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Not pulling your weight in parenting? At some point it happens to all of us!

I find it amusing that tabloid press continually insists Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie fight constantly, are on the verge of breaking up daily and that she feels Brad "isn't pulling his weight." From one day to the next, an unnamed source states something detrimental in their relationship is occurring.

Surviving a relationship where children are involved can get heated at times. What married couple with children hasn't fought over thinking the other isn't pulling the correct weight in the relationship?

In the latest report out about the couple of six children states that Angelina is so upset at Brad that she yells at him because his eggs are lousy. She feels she's shouldering the parental burden and Brad can't do anything right.
How many nights have I come home, exhausted and weary from work, wishing a hot meal was awaiting my arrival only to have my hopes dashed with questions of, "What's for dinner?"All the while the dishwasher is still loaded from the night before and laundry piles at the door. How many mornings has my husband wanted a little more shut eye, when I state "Your morning!" I know it's my morning but the dishwasher not being unloaded questions the equilibrium of whose turn it is.
I have three kids and there are times when I ask myself, "What was I thinking?" Even with nannies that help with the Jolie/Pitt clan, I'm sure all of the attention six children demand comes with a breaking point. Patience is defiantly a virtue and three children ranging in ages of 11 to 5, I am still learning.

Just today after a long day at work, kicking of my heels and collapsing on to the bed was something I want but my little bit is off with her normal daily greetings of "Watch Me!! Watch Me!! I want to play a game!! I'm thirsty!!" All the while jumping up and down she happily greets me. Middle babe files in rambling on and on about something that I will never fully understand and then oldie flaunts in throwing around her long hair, smacking gum wanting to use my phone so she can text our neighbor.
I hear movement on the steps; he is here to save me for a moment. In the game of married with children, it's a give and take. Some days, we take more than others but then some days, we give way more than we ever thought possible. It's balance.
For the children's sake and for the sake of the hearts of Brad and Angelina, we should all hope they work it out.
When was having a family ever easy?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What went wrong? When Your Children Go To Jail

Out of all of the people you know, someone has spent time behind bars. It could be a friend of a friend, or a brother or maybe even yourself, but many people make bad decisions and wind up on the wrong side of a jail cell.

Cameron Douglas, the son of Hollywood's acting elite Michael Douglas, plead guilty to charges of selling large quantities of crystal meth and cocaine today in a Manhattan courthouse. []

He faces up to 10 years in prison.

Drugs can be a huge factor in the beginnings of criminal activity. An uncle of mine spent most of his life behind bars . He chose to drive drunk one night and hit and killed another person. These actions affect not only the person who committed the crime but those of the family.

Should the the parent's of these children bare any of the brunt of these actions or are they limited to the committer?
Have you know anyone who has served time and how was it on those left behind?

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Bachelor's Double Standard: It's alright for the boys but not for the girls

I have to admit it: This season I have been sucked into the Bachelor. For some reason, my husband turned it on the first night it aired and we can't stop watching it! Granted my husband is from Richmond where Rozyln, "THE CHEATER", is from. The chatter from our Facebook pages were loaded with a steady stream of gossip from her appearance on the show. A friend of mine actually used to date her when he was in high school.

Coming up on Monday's The Ellen Degeneres Show, Ellen asks Jake if he has found his soul mate. Jake responds by admitting he never knew he could possibly have feelings for more than one person.

"The world tells you that your heart can only be in love with one woman at a time, and that is absolutely not true." He tells Ellen. "That is one of the things I learned on the show." []

Yes, many people Jake have been in love with two people at one time. Haven't they? The hard part is deciding which one you love the most, right?

The thing that really gets me about this show and Jake's reaction to Rozlyn's betrayal is a question I want to ask of you?

If Rozlyn's laying her hand on a staff member constitutes as "cheating" then what is it considered when Jake goes around kissing every other woman on that show?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

How Do You Tell Your Child Ghost Stories Are Just That: Stories?

Over the holiday, my family and I met at our normal halfway point in between Eastern Virginia and Western Tennessee. Also some friends of ours with their children came with us also. Smack dab in the Smoky Mountains we shared laughter and cheer but without my knowledge also some fear was shared between the children. During their nights of getting reacquainted with friends and cousins, the idea of telling ghost stories was brought up. Bloody Mary was mentioned along with a very unfriendly wolf.

What was once a pleasurable time of the day has turned into a nightmare. Instead of kisses and chimes of "See you in the morning," it has turned into dagger hugs and "Please let me sleep with you, I can't stop thinking about Bloody Mary!!"

As as child, I can remember the stories that were told between cousins and friends that would haunt my images before bed. Imagining a blood streaked woman with deranged hair would leap from the mirror and claw me until my skin bled was frighting to me. Instead of peaceful dreams of kittens and bubbly birds, haunting images rocked me from my sleep and then there was no way I would return to "night night" land. Instead, I would run to my parents' bed and hold fast to mom or dad's arms and wish I could remember the happy ideas before the stories of death and fear ached in my head.

Why do these stories continue? What is the purpose of exposing fear from one child to another, especially fear from things that are made up?
As a parent that has never dealt with these fears from her children, it's quite disheartening. If you have ever dealt with this, what was your way used to help ease the fears?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Renewing Vows Without Being Married A Year: Fergie and Josh tell the world they are not over!

The marriage hasn't even hit the year mark and Josh Duhamel has already surprised Fergie with a vow renewal?

Following reports that Duhamel had an extramarital affair with Nicole Forrester while on location for the comedy Life as We Know It in Atlanta this year, the newlywed couple vehemently denied the report. has reported that Duhamel whisked Fergie away in a private helicopter to an awaiting limo that took the couple to the Bacara Resort and Spa twenty minutes away from Los Angeles.

During the 15 minute ceremony Fergie was "crying and very emotional." After a private dinner the two returned back to Los Angeles where they will continue their married life.

Should Celebrity Children Be Photographed?

I can remember the days when celebrities would shield their children from the eyes of the media. In today's time, with social networking and news outlets available with the flick of the finger, shutterbugs have taken to the street in droves ready to catch their next meal ticket with a camera. More times than not, celebrities have their picture taken while grabbing a cup of coffee, pumping gas or taking their young children to school.

Being well known can often times bring about unwanted exposure of personal ideas and allegiances and welcome in all walks of life into a person with a high status of being "known" in the public eye. Many celebrities have seen and felt people who meet them often times know them better than they know their neighbor. Playing characters on screen and witnessing daily photographs available in gossip magazines and online in blogs and news outlets, celebrities are available 24/7 for your viewing pleasure.

As a parent of young children, I would be nervous about the well-being of my child constantly being followed by the media wanting to take their picture. It makes me wonder how all of the media's attention focused on obsessions of our need to feel in the know by witnessing Brad and Angelina's next adoption or Jessica Alba's day at the park with little Honor affects the home life of these children.

Has there been one day when Suri Cruise hasn't been photographed? Will Harlow Madden be able to ride her bike down the street one day without a camera snapping pictures along the way? Can Tori and Dean get smoothies for their kids without it being a media circus?

This makes me pose the question: Should Celebrity Children Be Photographed?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

My Favorite Moisturizer Ever!! Keihl's Ultra Facial Cream

As the owner of sensitive skin, I understand anytime I change my skin regime, she will protest. Instead of harsh words of revolt, my skin erupts into red bumps and puss filled pockets of hate. For this month's Beauty Guru reviews, she surprised me. It's as if she has waited her whole life for Kiehl's s Ultra Facial Cream. She responded with an evening of tone and a restored balance of vibrancy not seen in years.

After months of sitting in front of my computer blogging on a broad range of topics, the palm and fingers of my hand have met my face more times than ever before. While visions of creative thoughts poured from my brain onto my computer screen, the idea my hands could bring about such destruction on my face never occurred. So with red streaked chin and cheeks, something had to be done I had never done before.

I had to purchase my first batch of foundation. The years of getting by with loose powder seemed but a long lost memory.

A funny thing occurs when applying foundation to an unevenly moisturized face - Blotches!! Thinking I could hide the redness on my face with a base turned into an awful, uneven discoloration mess. I felt like I was looking back into the eighties when my mother would fix up her face and her neck would be three shades lighter than her face: Ouch! Preparing for the worst and thinking all was doomed in the world concerning my appearance to public viewing, a gift from heaven appeared on my doorstep.

Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cream!!

With it's 24 hour hydrating formula with extracts of Glacial Glycoprotiens from microorganisms sourced from sea glaciers and Imperata Cylindrica, a plant from the Australian desert, Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cream hydrates and evens the tone of my skin so well, the redness of my skin has diminished and using base to hide my imperfections on the skin is not as necessary as once before.

This is a real miracle cream. I couldn't ask for a better moisturizer and neither will you!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Vanity Fair Sells Tiger Shirtless and You Will Buy It

There is something to be said about nudity: People look.

Playboy would have never survived if men and women didn't want to see other people's nakedness open for other's to see. Peep shows have been around since the beginning of time. Remember in James Cameron's, Titanic, how men stole lustful glances at Kate Winslet's character when only her ankle was exposed for the air to breathe? It's an ankle! The industry that sells sex as a mainstream product from cola to cell phones continues to show promise.
There is something to be said about the human body unclothed. People seem to love it.

In Vanity Fair's February issue, Tiger Woods stands shirtless for the world to see. While pumping iron with sultry look at hand, Tiger Woods gives the world a sense into his world, "Pre-Scandal."

Shot by famed photographer Annie Leibovitz before the media grasped it's hand into Tiger's struggles with adultery and drug use, Tiger Woods as he wanted you to see him.