After writing, directing, producing and selling The Passion of the Christ, which grossed 611,899,420 worldwide, Mel Gibson has left his wife Robyn of 28 years and seven children to play around with Oksana Grigorieva. Mel Gibson publicly laughed and acknowledged his girlfriend is pregnant on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. "I guess I'm Octo-Mel."
Without the ink even dry on the divorce papers, Mel Gibson, devout Catholic, has committed adultery and now is expecting a child with another woman. He has also stated when asked by Leno if they would wed, Gibson says: "Why would you get married twice?" Does the Bible in which you promoted in your movie The Passion of the Christ, not state thou shall not commit adultery? Does it not promote marriage? Is the public not supposed to feel an out cry of hypocrisy by the your actions?
It seems to me Mel Gibson has taken a turn in his beliefs. With multiple run-in's with the law dealing with his alcoholism, his actions of adultery that have lead to the creation of a child, and several anti-Semitic statements such as "... Jews... Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world. Are you a Jew?", it seems as if the belief system he promoted and sold in The Passion of the Christ has been eaten away into a different view.
Would you consider Mel Gibson a hypocrite? Could we be sick of listening to how a relationship is supposed to be and maybe how it is?
Would you take advice from a celebrity on how you should live your life especially when it comes to religion?
Without the ink even dry on the divorce papers, Mel Gibson, devout Catholic, has committed adultery and now is expecting a child with another woman. He has also stated when asked by Leno if they would wed, Gibson says: "Why would you get married twice?" Does the Bible in which you promoted in your movie The Passion of the Christ, not state thou shall not commit adultery? Does it not promote marriage? Is the public not supposed to feel an out cry of hypocrisy by the your actions?
It seems to me Mel Gibson has taken a turn in his beliefs. With multiple run-in's with the law dealing with his alcoholism, his actions of adultery that have lead to the creation of a child, and several anti-Semitic statements such as "... Jews... Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world. Are you a Jew?", it seems as if the belief system he promoted and sold in The Passion of the Christ has been eaten away into a different view.
Would you consider Mel Gibson a hypocrite? Could we be sick of listening to how a relationship is supposed to be and maybe how it is?
Would you take advice from a celebrity on how you should live your life especially when it comes to religion?
NO I WOULDN'T take advise from Mel. I can wrap this up in a few words: When you put yourself up that high, You have a long way to fall. You can NEVER live up to all that.