Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Don't Get Caught With Sweaty Pits: Secret Clinical Strength

Wanna know how you can tell if your antiperspirant is working? Well for me it meant traveling thirteen hours to my hometown, experiencing one of the hottest beginnings of summer the Mid South has seen. With temperatures hovering at the 100 degree mark and humidity that made the temperature feel like 120, Secret Clinical Strength Waterproof Antiperspirant/ Deodorant held strong all day. With the heat as high as it was, dousing yourself with water was a must. Even when swimming, it didn't swim away. It stayed put and keep me smelling my best.

Summertime means shaving the underarms more frequently. Usually, I am worried about deodorant causing pain and irritation to this delicate skin but Secret Clinical Strength didn't let me down. With skin soothing conditioners and odor absorbing capsules, the heat and humidity was no match for the toughness of this deodorant.
Don't be caught with sweaty armpits...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Viola! I have been Made-Over

For months I have romped around town with a new do. Sick and tired of being labeled as only a blonde made me wonder what it would be like to go back to my roots. Armed with brown hair dye and a hopeful wish, I took to my locks wishing it to come out looking decent. Well.... let's just say it wasn't the best look for me.

Brown dye over bleach blonde hair pretty much turns green. After years of being too scared to try anything new with my hair, here I was with green hair. Instead of a tragic look slapped upon my face, I just laughed. What should I have expected? Did I really think it would turn out looking wonderful? No, but I was hopeful and hope died that day.

The next day I returned back to the store to purchase more brown dye. Hey, I could try again. Maybe an extra couple of bottles would take to my hair better? It did, thankfully. Thanksgiving and Christmas came and went. A dividing line grew among of friends and family. They either loved it or they hated it.

"It looks so much more natural," said my neighbor.

"I think you look good," said my husband.

"You just don't even look like Leigh Ann," said my eighty something year old Aunt.

"You need to put a little more blonde in it," said my pap paw.

"Mom, is your hair green," asked my youngest.

I took their questions and statements with a grain of salt. Whatever, it's my hair and it's my life, I told myself. I'm the only one who has to walk around looking like this and if I want to be a brunette, it's my prerogative. I want to walk around with green hair, I can!

Well... slowly but surely as they snow melted away and the promise of spring awakened in my spirit, the dreams of blonde began to reemerge from hiding. Looking at pictures of myself from seasons past, sporting blonde locks began to call to me again. And so, I wound up in the hairstylist chair ready to reembark on my past.

Little by little my hair has changed. I did the dark hair thing and I'm almost back to where I was a year ago. A little shorter in length but that's alright.

It's hair! Feel free to play with it!